Thu, 17 Jun 2010, 2:44am Devil Kingdom »
Registered: Jan, 2010
Last visit: Fri, 30 Oct 2015
Posts: 366

Ok heres the latest inside scoop on the situation:

DK is NOT disbanded.

MYU left the game for a while on some family business an left the guild intrusted to her cousin. Her cousin used her characters for a day or two and is obviously not a good leader. She kicked all the members from the guild except MYU's characters because (a direct qoute) "I am not MYU, I can't handle a noisy crowded guild. I was going to disband it but I though it would make MYU mad." Wow how smart..... Whats going to make MYU mad is when she comes back to find a dead guild.

So basically the entire Taurus server is now owned by Godsarmy who was the top competitor against DK. TNT has some chance for power but wht was definitly the most powerful guild in Taurus is now destroyed.

-Thakns all for your time
-Undercover detectve Balthier22
(jk about the detective part)

Oh and avenger Tasha and lonestar are good friends of mine^^
