Kitsu Saga « Other « Off Topic
Tue, 12 Oct 2010, 5:47pm #1
Registered: Apr, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 15 Mar 2013
Posts: 1521

Well I happen to be taking a break from wlo and only playing on occasions. I came across a game that was in closed beta and started to play. It's called Kitsu Saga. It's an anime style mmorpg. It's real time unlike wlo but overall i thought it was a good game. Closed beta testing ended last night and open beta testing is supposed to start HOPEFULLY by the end of the week. There are tons of us suffering from KS (Kitsu Saga) withdrawl so I thought a way to get over that would be to post it here on XD

So if anyone is looking for a little extra game to play try Kitsu Saga: there is even a auto fight system so you can 'remote' train like you do on wlo :P only problem is you can't auto walk.

Hope you enjoy it ^_^

Fri, 15 Oct 2010, 2:55pm #2
Registered: Aug, 2010
Last visit: Sat, 25 Dec 2010
Posts: 62

why do people like anime so much :/ i mean liking it and looking at it as a hoby is cool sure but dedicating ur life to it is a little... oh i dont know.. not so normal? o_o
... Busty T-ts... <3

Tue, 19 Oct 2010, 2:09pm #3
Registered: Apr, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 15 Mar 2013
Posts: 1521

who is dedicating their life to it? o.o I simply posted this because I thought it was a fun game during closed beta. Kind of hating open beta now though. To many people and sometimes lag sucks and I got dced 4 times in 24 hours x.x But it's all good because KS is a fun game and the guild I'm in is ranked #6 of all the guilds on KS 8D

Tue, 26 Oct 2010, 4:05pm #4
Registered: Nov, 2009
Last visit: Sun, 07 Dec 2014
Posts: 202

hey pls add me then :P
name: duduliar
lvl: 20 (i got that with a char in one day XD sorry i'm a gamefreak XD)
but since the beta is open so i need to start over T_T
so lvl 13 (when righted this XD i'm trying to get higher soon as possible)
hhmmm i don't have any guild/clan
class: i have more then 1 kind XD but duduliar are mist
pls add me as friend when we meet ;)
i love anime so freaking bad!
but the anime i reading/watching right now is still ongoing......
so i need to w8 T_T
name of animes: the world god only knows, fairy tail and much more ;P
spended more time on watching/reading then sleep a time :[

Thu, 28 Oct 2010, 1:15pm #5
Registered: Apr, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 15 Mar 2013
Posts: 1521

lol duduliar

I hope you can get your KS working and if you are an active player then I might be able to get you in to my guild ^^ To my knowledge they don't have a lvl requirement to get in yet since the game is so new. Right now they just want active players that want to try to lvl up and will help out other guild members ^^

I didn't log in to the game yesterday because I got home late and then there was maintenance. I'll log in today when I get home and hopefully I'll remember to send you a message in game.
