Tue, 12 Oct 2010, 5:47pm Kitsu Saga »
Registered: Apr, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 15 Mar 2013
Posts: 1521

Well I happen to be taking a break from wlo and only playing on occasions. I came across a game that was in closed beta and started to play. It's called Kitsu Saga. It's an anime style mmorpg. It's real time unlike wlo but overall i thought it was a good game. Closed beta testing ended last night and open beta testing is supposed to start HOPEFULLY by the end of the week. There are tons of us suffering from KS (Kitsu Saga) withdrawl so I thought a way to get over that would be to post it here on wlodb.com XD

So if anyone is looking for a little extra game to play try Kitsu Saga: http://kitsusaga.aeriagames.com/ there is even a auto fight system so you can 'remote' train like you do on wlo :P only problem is you can't auto walk.

Hope you enjoy it ^_^
