Tue, 26 Oct 2010, 4:05pm Kitsu Saga »
Registered: Nov, 2009
Last visit: Sun, 07 Dec 2014
Posts: 202

hey pls add me then :P
name: duduliar
lvl: 20 (i got that with a char in one day XD sorry i'm a gamefreak XD)
but since the beta is open so i need to start over T_T
so lvl 13 (when righted this XD i'm trying to get higher soon as possible)
hhmmm i don't have any guild/clan
class: i have more then 1 kind XD but duduliar are mist
pls add me as friend when we meet ;)
i love anime so freaking bad!
but the anime i reading/watching right now is still ongoing......
so i need to w8 T_T
name of animes: the world god only knows, fairy tail and much more ;P
spended more time on watching/reading then sleep a time :[
