Wed, 30 Dec 2009, 5:32pm Don't post in old topics »
Registered: Apr, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 15 Mar 2013
Posts: 1521

DarknessXP wrote:

well when i reply to an old post its usually a sticky or a guide because i just searched "how to burst" and thats why i commented on it because it helped me a lot more then figuring it out by myself or getting the info from another wonderland play by mail ._.

Why do you need to post in the topic though? after a few months there is no longer a need to post 'hey thanks for the guide' in the topic. I think when people make a guide a few posts saying 'hey thanks for the guide' are ok so the person knows that we appreciate what they did but after that I think the posts should be constructive criticism if needed to help make the guide as complete as possible. When I guide is stickied that means it's good enough to be used by the members of the site. It's there specifically to help you. And some of these guides were made a long time ago and the person who made it might not even use the site anymore so you are basically giving a thumbs up to a wall. So I don't see the reason to put 'hey thanks for the guide' every time I come across a guide I want to use'. That would be like getting a guide book for a game and writting a letter to the people who make the guide book telling them 'hey thumbs up on a great guide'

Anyway. I agree with aaron that maybe the forum admins could go through old topics every once in a while and lock old topics that are answered so that people stop posting in them.
