Wed, 30 Dec 2009, 5:05pm Don't post in old topics »
Registered: Apr, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 15 Mar 2013
Posts: 1521

Sophieka wrote:

And yes I revived an old topic about City-Guarding weapons, because I was about to post about those weapons, but before I did it, I searched in the topics and found it, so no sense making a new topic with exactly the same question. I was hoping that someone may give me info, but if seems not many of the players holded the castle yet lol

Yeah I think something like that is perfectly fine. We should search for topics and then if there isn't a topic that our question fits in then make a new topic. I think was you did was absolutely correct. You had a question, searched it, found an old topic and read it and since there was no answer asked the question again to bring it to people's attention. I think something like that is fine. But it's people that post 'cool' 'yeah Fred is cool' and things of that nature that need to stop. Those things are not ok in my opinion.
Thanks everyone for your replies ^^ It's good to know that people agree with me. Sorry I had a long rant

Last edited Wed, 30 Dec 2009, 5:32pm by Sarin
