Sun, 31 Aug 2014, 4:19am non feed pets »
Registered: Jun, 2010
Last visit: Thu, 04 Sep 2014
Posts: 1583

This is my dead Niss and Fred. Both were not pilled. So you can see you are able to get some good stats.

Niss I no longer use for reasons. >.>

She ran away more than twice. She lost the cloudy sword, belly chain, her lighting hair clip (which yes I bought from IM it was on sale for 106p at the time) and matk gear which I can always remake. I charged money and got 200p went to lost and found in welling village city hall and bought back only the sword and the hairclip. (a friend was nice enough to give me a purple source armlet with 55matk and 600hp)
Then one night I left her training over night. I always double check to see if there is a 19 or at least 18 lvl difference between me and the area I'm training in. So I'm not sure how it happened but I woke up to find all her gear broken 'cept for the sword and the source. (sword is wearing while the source is useable. I use the source on Venus now) Lost her hair clip even after I wasting point to get it back and the new matk gear I remade for her. Her amity was 6 I had no amity food to train her so every time I equipped her to party to train she would just constantly run. I wasted stars to get her a couple amity flowers from welling. So much trouble just to keep her. A lotta people were starting to use her at the time cause the pet food came out some while back and I thought I don't need her anymore since she's EVERYWHERE. Also my "brother" got one and was always rubbing it in my face how much better he got his to be. At first it started as a joke but then he got series and started to use her and then pilled her. After that I just got pissed off with her and said screw it I don't need to use her anymore. Maybe one day I may make a new one on a new chara... meh

I never got around to scrolling Niss. I had forgotten to do it at 20 so I was hoping to do it after she got to 100. Same with Fred I forgot to scroll him at 20 as well so I just waited till he was 100 and did it before he RB'd. You can see he needs a lot of work with all that WIS.

As for using a brooch just do the math it doubles so add the matk together. 1+1=11.. kidding we all know 1+1 equals 3.

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