Sat, 23 Aug 2014, 11:44am Question out of Curiosity »
Registered: Feb, 2012
Last visit: Sun, 06 Jun 2021
Posts: 246

DevilxAngel, I've played for quite some time myself, and in all honesty the game itself is not for everyone. I've tried inviting some of my real life friends to play and they just don't want to. But if you ask me...I love the game. Even with the huge amount of r****ded scammers and over-exaggerated prices, the game itself is still fun. I see the only way I will have fun in this game is if I just spend a good amount of points at the start and then lvl to a really high lvl around 150 rb, then after that I do everything solo or with a friend. Thats why I aim to be someone who can do quests without having to worry about eq breaks and the 2 hour time limit. People will pay me to do quests and I can sit back and smile as I not only earn a profit but also from time to time, make a great new friend. I stopped playing WLO at the start of my Junior Year in high school to focus on my studies. Now Senior year is about to start and I get hooked on wlo again. Even though the prices of Taurus are 10 times what they use to be, I still play the game as I normally do. I now have most of everything I want and the only thing left is to level to a high level. Once Taurus starts dying out like many other servers, I'll probably move to Aries but by that time characters would have all been lvled so much I could definitely make a living (and yes...I was planning on making all my important accs vip and transfer each of them to Aries). It's a long road but if you're willing and dedicated enough, you can stick to this game even if everyone else becomes major d**k-heads.

Besides...aren't we friends? I'm always on Taurus!

Last edited Sat, 23 Aug 2014, 11:55am by BladeEgde
