Sat, 12 Jul 2014, 6:00am Making a new Earth »
Registered: Feb, 2012
Last visit: Sun, 06 Jun 2021
Posts: 246

So, I've realized one flaw about my team that prohibits me from ever really doing hard quests, I don't have an Earth Mage. I don't have stone walls or terrafications to help me survive. My team is literally made of 1 wind knight, 1 half tank water wit, 1 fire wit, 1 half tank fire killer.
Recently I've also started looking at both my half tank fire killer which never does enough damage, and my fire wit who is only really there to hf my fire killer after he hf's his pet niss. I decided to make a True Damage Based Fire Killer for both quests and as a burst slave. This also got me thinking about the idea of my new fire killer not being able to survive the onslaught of hard quests. So I looked into making a good team and a wind is never the most valuable, in fact, most people on wlo have 1 earth, 1 water and 2 fire teams to do quests. But I also thought about what kind of earth I wanted. Like I said, my fire killer doesn't do enough damage and my fire wit is useless except for hf, getting past stone walls, and mob killing (Blaze Beating). So, I though that if I replaced my fire killer, I would need another half tank, so maybe I would go with a tank/sealer earth priest. I chose priest because I also needed a character that wouldn't get sealed so much but it also meant not as much sealing. But then I thought, what if I took off my fire wit, then I would need an Earth Wit to make up for the magic damage but my fire wit was one of my only other characters that wouldn't really get sealed all that often so my earth might get sealed often.

So, I need help deciding and planning. What should I make? An Earth Wit or Earth Priest? And if I do make one, which character should be replaced? my support fire wit or half tank fire killer?

I used a calculator and looked at the stats of a lvl 100 reborn of both Earth Priest and Wit, how I would make them anyways.
BTW: These stats are without any equips except a +60 cape cuz I'm only gonna burst them to 180 then reborn and train to lvl 100 after.

Earth Priest:
LV: 100
ATK: 280 STR: 0
DEF: 870 CON: 200
MAT: 810 INT: 265
MDF: 738 WIS: 80
SPD: 428 AGI: 60

Earth Wit
LV: 100
ATK: 280 STR: 0
DEF: 782 CON: 150
MAT: 1083 INT: 325
MDF: 594 WIS: 70
SPD: 428 AGI: 60

That's pretty much what their stats would be like with just the +60 capes. So, with all this, which earth should I make? A tanky/sealing one, or a sealing/support one?

Give me your opinion, even if you think I should go with an Earth Seer, cuz I have thought about it.
