Fri, 11 Jul 2014, 2:14am The Best Server is... »
Registered: Feb, 2011
Last visit: Thu, 28 Jun 2018
Posts: 1780

This is such a brilliant idea
However I won't start with what the best server is because I only really know Taurus and I don't believe it is the best server...

-There are so many people and often if 2x exp isn't on they'll be sitting around doing nothing but it means they are rather willing to help you with something or with a quest to make time go buy. Also many high levels usually don't mind giving you a hand in cursed palace or 15 rounds

-If you want help with a 'tough' quest like JS or FB they may ask you to pay with items especially IMs

-Why with items? Because gold almost means nothing on our server now. You could have 50+ million gold but you would have real difficulty buying with it. Only exception is for the lower levels and new people because they will be selling little things for money just to make it in the game

-There are many beggars. Even though you've worked hard to earn all you've got, people will always be there to ask for some gear or outfits etc. If you were to help all of them you would have nothing left for yourself
Also, most people that ask for trade want IMs only especially Strong Scrolls which makes things difficult for those who cannot get IMs

-A lot of drama... its silly and unnecessary but it happens. As long as you learn to ignore it your fine but if your like me and don't like turning local off then you gotta move away or go afk ._.


My friend had many problems in Taurus thanks to some people and as a result him and his friend moved all their characters to Virgo. I went to see and he seemed much happier. He said in Virgo everyone is so much more friendly and fun and there is no unnecessary drama occurring... so Virgo sounds nice

My sister also plays in Gemini and when she returned with a new noob characters after leaving for a few months, all her friends remembered and were so nice to her. I think they're very generous because they gave her so many clothes as well as items for her tent. Also, her friends that she gave items too all gave it back to her such as a complete gold armour set.
Money is okay in that server as far as I know from her and many people again are friendly and fun
