Mon, 26 Aug 2013, 6:04pm My new Fire Knight and pet bursting »
Registered: Feb, 2012
Last visit: Sun, 06 Jun 2021
Posts: 246

Ya I guess I am trying to get her stats to fit my team but then again like I said, I wanted another damage dealer or half tank. The idea here is that I like my characters "hybrid" with standard stats for each category.
My FlameBrag has
348 STR
150 CON
50 WIS
30 AGI

So basically the build is just like a way so that he can not only withstand atks but also survive on his own accord. I find it neccessary to keep my team alive without having to revive constantly or healing much. But I guess after seeing how other people do quests with Fires that are so unsustainable, yet still able to finish the quest I feel that I should to I guess. Like seriously my FlameBrag himself barely deals 3400 damage with his ferdivity without HF and it kinda just sucks.

But since I've never built an atk only Fire before I do need help on learning the build. Please post in the comments what you think I should do. Should I keep the fire I have right now or go for an atk only fire?
