Fri, 23 Aug 2013, 2:14am My new Fire Knight and pet bursting »
Registered: Feb, 2012
Last visit: Sun, 06 Jun 2021
Posts: 246

Hey guys, I haven'y posted for so long that I kinda just feel the nerve to now. So here's a little post about my new goal.
My goal now is to get a lv180 Fire and then rebirth into a Fire Knight. The same for her pet which I chose as Victoria but I also thought about a wind pet like qlaya or that ninja girl (idk her name).

2nd Goal: I also want to get my Flamebrag's eva to lv 180 as well while I'm bursting my other pet. I kinda want to prepare her for the "eventual" patch that will bring her death quest.

The idea for this post is if any of you can help me decide on certain things:
1) Should I build my Fire knight to lv 180 or 199? I feel like it would be easier to rebirth and 180 and then lvl to 100 from there, but then there is also the problem with the cloak. Lv 180 cloak is +60 while 199 is +80.

2) Should I go with Qlaya or that Ninja Girl pet as my wind pet for my Fire Knight?

3) Since my Flamebrag's Niss(Alice) is already my damage dealer pet should I have Eva be my 2nd damage dealer or be a support pet?

Just give me your thoughts and opinions on this and I appreciate any opinion given. They all matter.
