Mon, 10 Jun 2013, 5:33pm Attendance Logbook »
Registered: Jun, 2010
Last visit: Tue, 13 Jan 2015
Posts: 1403

DaveYKMore wrote:

@pswk2. Chill out. I just don't understand the point of writing about what you're doing if no one is gonna share their opinion on it.

And what makes you say that?Is not wishing someone good luck considered as sharing your opinion for a post?The point of this is to share your daily activities, get to know each other better but not on a personal level, just on a mutual acquaintance level. If you do not comprehend the purpose of this topic, I don't think I can really say anything to you for that matter. Though I do recommend you to write what you did instead of writing what you are complaining about.

DaveYKMore wrote:

@Vampire. If this forum is dead, it's because no one is doing anything to keep it alive. Just sayin.

This forum is far from dead. Sure there are only a few individuals who actively post on topics, but that doesn't mean it is necessarily "dead". As a compounder, I do remember recipes for compounds off the top of my dead, but I don't recall every single recipe. Infact, when I began compounding I actually was recommended to use this site to see recipes. Imagine me, 1 out of hundreds of compounders in wlo using this site on a daily basis about 20-30 times. Times that by any number in the 3 digits or the 4 digits and then think about it. If there are perhaps thousands of views on this sites, that means it is far from dead. You verify this with Scott if you are still skeptic, he has the ability to actually show the number of views on this site publically.

Vampire wrote:

Lol, what can we do to keep it alive, Sir Davey?

It's not like I can invite a bunch of people to play stupid wlo when there's better games.

I'm doing to stop you right there before this continues. Perhaps you do not enjoy wlo like most of the users on this site, but that doesn't mean you should disregard the game as it were just a child. Sure there are other games but you forget;this is a wlo database, not a database for any other game. Also, it does not mean you have to play the game to necessarily post on this forum. I've seen plenty of people on the official forum who have claimed to "quit" the game and the forum, posting on the forum. This game is very addictive, perhaps it's the User Interface that gropes a user's attention, or the various functions the game has to offer but despite what it is, it's just As a wlo player you should have already know this by now, if not, I don't see why you would administer a site for the game.

@Dave & Vamp:This is an attendance logbook, do try to keep your posts strictly based on your daily activities, there is a P.M. function on this site for any other conversation.

June 10th, 2013.

1. pswk2-Will try to help somebody in Virgo today.

I'm such a troll

Me + Piano

Take them out with Love. One by one.


It's quite fascinating. The way people speak. The way people act. The way people People are different. You see hundreds of cultures all over the world. Some differ by a small percentage. Others can be completely the opposite of another. We think what we think. We do what we do. This all pertains to the function of the brain. Thinking. Then the possible question forms from the confines of some minds. "What if.....?" Yes indeed, what if? What if I did this? What if I did that? How would this benefit me? How would this put me at a disadvantage? What is the purpose of this? The human mind is a very complex thing. It could form millions of thoughts in just one single second without the owner even realizing all And what is this one thought? This one outlier in the mathematical functionality of the brain? This is what we think. Out of all the possible thoughts, this is the one thought we think about at the present moment. And what is the result of this thought? Success. Failure. Love. Hate. Passion. Determination. Character. Personality. Actions....Death.

Watch your thoughts.
They become words.
Watch your words.
They become actions.
Watch your actions.
They become habit.
Watch your habits.
They become personality.
Watch your personality.
It becomes your destiny.

-Lao Tzu
