Fri, 13 Feb 2009, 4:32pm My main acc isn't working! TT »
Eli <3 (( aka oreolova ))
Registered: Nov, 2008
Last visit: Sat, 14 Nov 2009
Posts: 35

I decompressed mah CPU.. o.o It works, now, but my other acc doesn't.. Not that I rly care about that one, but I'm scared that it'z gonna happen again ._."

Taurus3 foreva <3
add meh on msn =D
I can't help wut I hear in my head.
n I dunt wanna feel, my heart is breakin.
n I dunt wanna feel, my life is burnin.
There'sa stain on my hand, and it's red
omg, am I loosing it?
