Fri, 30 Jan 2009, 4:11am Compound Base Material Checks Now in Compound Views »
Registered: Sep, 2008
Last visit: Thu, 06 Oct 2022
Posts: 706

I just added a new algorithm to check the base materials each compound. Took me a while but I think I may have one that works for junior/superior as well. Basically, if a compound does not match the base materials of the result it will have a yellow exclamation next to it.

This has already helped me find a lot of incorrect compounds and a few items that had incorrect base materials set. Hopefully you guys will fix up any errors you might see, too!

Let me know if you notice any errors in the calculations as I don't even have junior/superior alchemy yet! Especially the formulas with more than 2 compound materials.

The one thing I wasn't sure about was if you compounded 3 or more items with the same rank with junior/superior. I assumed that it would use the bases in the order you put them in but I'm not sure if that's correct now after seeing this formula for red dragon gown.

also, i just noticed this one which might change the rules a bit for junior/superior alchemy if it's true. I don't if the script is working exactly with the alchemy books.

EDIT: BTW, don't take these to mean a compound is invalid. Some compounds have some weird rules. I expect that there are a few problems with the current algorithm so I'm hoping with everyone's input I can get it fixed this week.

Last edited Fri, 30 Jan 2009, 4:26am by scott
