Mon, 02 Apr 2012, 11:23pm NEWBIE MOMENTS WE ALL HATE AND LOVE! »
Registered: Jan, 2012
Last visit: Sun, 13 May 2012
Posts: 22

my newbie moment was so stupid...
i thought that as i lvl up more skills will just pop out
and i didnt know that u can put those points in it to obtained it. until when i was lvl 50 something, im still using those noobie skills ..until i got so angry i start asking my friend, and she told me that u have to put the points in to get skills, and i was like OH O - O

and another one is that, i dont know how come every one has so much HP and i was like oh! i know they eat those food that plus hp (noodles,mango,etc.) so then i try eating it food that is like HP800+ and nothing happen... i was stupid, and i end up wasting lots and lots of stacks XD
