Sat, 24 Mar 2012, 12:35pm NEWBIE MOMENTS WE ALL HATE AND LOVE! »
Registered: Jun, 2010
Last visit: Thu, 04 Sep 2014
Posts: 1583

OK been bored! I like stories, so........ NEW GAME!

here please talk about all the funny, embarassing and any and all newbie moments you have had or have came across. if you can't remember some then tell us somthing about when you were a newbie or someone who annoyed you even just the other day. can be from others games too not just wlo. you can also rant about anything newbish that may annoy you. so here you can try to blow off some steam =3

ok so here are a couple to start.

i find it funny how some newbies spam that the are selling stuff as though no one noticed them the first time. even more embrassing is when they are in kelan or carnie and they spam IN local "selling so-and-so in kelan/carnie server 1, whisper me fast" and they ARE in kelan/carnie server 1. and they don't say this on world chat or all chat, but in local...

fisrt time i started to play the game i didn't know how to sit down. took my prolly like 1-2 weeks to learn how to sit cause i was too shy to ask anyone (still am and a bit of a loner, but i'm a fast learner so i start to figure things out on my own a lot). even GM back then hardly spammed it like they do now "press alt+1 to sit and rest" or "alt+2 to lay down or etc..." plus i almost never died. trying to be careful so i never got the message pop up after death.
so a saw lotta people laying on the ground i panicked thinking they were all dead bodies. even saw one girl with the same kunno char i had and she has blood under her. i freaked out, not realizing she had red hair and that when she lays down her hair spreads out and looks wavy underneat her. it can look like blood if its the right colour.
so i paniced and freaked out trying not to die and becareful for days. the bodies just kept piling up around north and south island, me thinking the random monsters would kill me like they killed the other people. then i asked my sister accidently in guild chat "how come no one revies them or they don't spawn back to town? they are all just laying there dead." (i say this cause i love and am used to ARPGs (Action Role Playing Games) she askes me what i was talking about, then told me it's just an emote. and she thought me later how to use sit and how to go and edit my emote(alt1, alt2, alt3 etc...). people in guild were also laughing and telling me how to sit and adding their own comments. -.-

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