Tue, 06 Jan 2009, 8:48pm Power Lvling~ »
Registered: Oct, 2008
Last visit: Sat, 07 Jan 2012
Posts: 502

Flood wrote:

Fire stone hit isn't strongest single mob mage skill, it's actually fire combo beating, it may sound wrong, but my guild leader and my friends fire mages have tested this. They say on average fire combo beating does about 400more damage then fire stone.

Interesting, thank you for this information. I will change the Goddess Skill Guide directly. I will research it later too.

Flood wrote:

fiery attack is a support skill for fires, it adds 2x damage to the horse, giving them more power. Attackers don't need exact speed, just all have to be below 64 speed which can be done with a variety of different weps,clothings or IM or stone weights, basicly anything compounded thats listed below:

Fiery Attack gives the power to your horse to make 1,5x damage, not 2x damage...

Fiery Attack: 1,5x
Fire Attack: 2x
Hot Fire: 3x

Their speed must below than the level 1 pet's speed. The level 1 red horse's speed is 57 or 59. So they need to be slower than the speed 57.

Syarky wrote:

well my fire sequence is :
1st:slow down
3rd:hot fire

top prior: fire combo hit(im a fire mage btw) also can use hegendis hit(for fire warrior)

I have tested this way, but it doesnt work sometimes. It is not 100% trustworthy as Fiery Attack. Actually I can't understand this orders. One day it works perfectly and other day, with another team, it doesn't work anymore. Even my slowdown and poison spell and also other's slowdown and poison spell are maxed. So strange, I will research it more.

Syarky wrote:

3 round sequence is:

1st:slow down/poison
2nd:hot fire
3rd:atk skill (fire combo hit/hegendis hit/five-star hit(if u using shadow pestle))

4rd: atk skill the same as 3rd

Don't use poison spell in the first round, otherwise the mob will be hurting by the poison and will, die before you can kill it. Very unwisely.

If you train manually, you can just repeat the orders on every other mob in the battle, for example:

Mob 1:
1. slowdown
2. hot fire
3. [strongest attack]

Mob 2:
1. slowdown
2. hot fire
3. [strongest attack]

Mob 3:
1. slowdown
2. hot fire
3. [strongest attack]

et cetera.

Last edited Tue, 06 Jan 2009, 9:09pm by Hugomka
