Wed, 31 Dec 2008, 11:11am Healer? »
Registered: Oct, 2008
Last visit: Sat, 07 Jan 2012
Posts: 502

The best character as a healer is without doubt Maria, and Rock.
Because a real healer needs strong INT and good SPD, not WIS as most people think.
Noticed: it doesn't mean that you would add a lot of points into INT. You must add points into WIS and the strong INT means your accuracy much better. For more info, look here.

Healing skills of healer:
- Detoxifcation -> cure the poison, a typical heal.
- Cure Spell -> if it is maxed, then you can heal 3 players and 3 pets at the same time.
- Recovery -> maxed: recover 1 player and 1 pet for 3 rounds continually.
- Magic Recovery -> maxed: recover magic of 3 players or pets, except yourself. Because it is a true sacrificing of your own magic.
- Free from Mess -> psychology cure for messed player or pet.
- Revival -> bring a dead player or pet back to life.
- Recovery Normal -> Eliminates abnormal states (especially from Shrink).

No. 1: Maria and Rock
No. 2: Vanessa (more accurate, but slow)
No. 3: Betty (faster and less accurate)
No. 4: Konno tsuruko (WIS influenced)
No. 5: Nina (equally shared over INT, WIS, AGI)

Last edited Wed, 31 Dec 2008, 11:27am by Hugomka
