Wed, 22 Dec 2010, 6:21pm Help with christmas event :/ »
Registered: Apr, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 15 Mar 2013
Posts: 1521

during this event last year I had over a stack of 1 bell, almost 1 stack of another bell, and like 10 of the 3rd bell XD I spent my time fighting at beetle den since the chicken farm was packed with people and I lagged horribly.

And during other events like the turkey and pumpkin pie for thanksgiving I had stacks and stacks of turkey and barely even a stack of pumpkin pie.

During another event where we needed some BBQ sauce and some meat. You had to give it to this woman and make some BBQ thing then give it to the little rabit and he would give you a present or fireworks. I had like 6 stacks of BBQ Sauce and maybe 2 stacks of the meat.

So I really do think IGG makes some of the drops common and the rest a little more rare. And since they change the names every year all we can do with the extras is destroy them.
