Mon, 06 Dec 2010, 3:30am Show off your character! »
Registered: Apr, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 15 Mar 2013
Posts: 1521

They are all in the last pic that I posted hun ^^ You know I couldn't leave out the awesome characters you gave me :P Btw my new one is lvl 124 thanks to the 2x :D

You will get there. All these characters took me almost a year to make lol Come January 1st it'll officially be a year on Leo :D.

Don't lol!!! T_T It just gives him ideas :S Then we are all doomed T_T lol

Ok mayben ot complete fails lol But at times I believe they are fails.

Ty ^_^ And YES! SPD IS AWESOME!! Althouh I do kind of miss the damage that I could do if the spd was on str T_T but it's all worth it :D


Can't wait to see everyone elses pics ^^
