Wed, 01 Dec 2010, 6:45pm Server Help (please read) »
Registered: Apr, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 15 Mar 2013
Posts: 1521

I'm glad you guys want to help each other when it comes to helping with quests and such but I must ask all of you to please check where the topic is posted. If it is posted in a server that is not your server and you can't help then please don't post in the topic. If someone posts for quest help in Leo and you are in Scorpio DO NOT post in the topic that you are from Scorpio and would help if you could. If the person needed help in Scorpio they would ask for it in Scorpio. I'm not saying you can't help people but please think before you post. If you are posting because you can help then post. But if you are posting just to say you would help but you are not in their server then please think twice and ask yourself if it's really necessary for you to post in that topic.

I have seen plenty of people posting in help topics saying they are from a different server and can't help. It's a nice thought but it doesn't help anyone. So please, if you see someone asking for help please don't post there unless you can actually help them.

Thanks guys.
