Wed, 22 Sep 2010, 4:31pm Goddess Training Guide »
Registered: Aug, 2009
Last visit: Sat, 18 Aug 2012
Posts: 65

easy steps ... (altho this isn't where u should ask this question)

-make some collectors and miners

-make a build and a syrup maker

-sell syrups and tent things (for syrups i'd prefer making a food shelf and door plate for advertising or u can put stalls if u can)

-sell tent things with fear prizes

-if ur high lvl enough u can train at southpole and sell the wolf tooths to compounders or to NPC if ur too hungry for gold xD

-lvl ur alchemy and learn to compound start from making long handled axes not from a lord gown !! :D:D:D ( my first experiment was a long handled axe :P) and .. sell them ! u can make cool profits this way

0LorDrdn 11x
FallenLord 11x
rKid 11x
rLady 11x
