Thu, 15 Apr 2010, 2:49am King of the Job Classes Event Results and Screenshots- Prodigies Guild »
Registered: Apr, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 15 Mar 2013
Posts: 1521

Actually jd let me show you just how well I was paying attention while you were not.

A)You only won the priest class because you were the only one that showed up. So you won by skill involved.
B)you are a priest build (meaning you have int)
C)Wallas is a melee character so he has str, con and a bit of wis.

So your priest has lots of con so a melee is relatively useless against you in a 1 on 1 pk. If you even looked at wallas's character you could tell he doesn't have tons of wis meaning your priest can already deal more damage on his character than he can deal to you.
You priest having int means you have a better chance of seals than melee type characters. Wallas being a melee has 0 int so against a mage type character with int his seals are more likely to miss and your hit. Basically your fight was like telling Sophie's killer to seal her wit.

So you had int meaning you had a higher chance of sealing and also more matk. Wallas had 0 int meaning he had a lower chance of sealing plus not much mdef to lower the damage from matks. You held a huge advantage over Wallas which ment you had an easy win. If you want a real pk match then try battling a wit.

You had an unfair advantage and you won :P So good job jd ^^ You won a class because you were the only one there and you won another class because you had an unfair advantage over them ^^ I'm so proud of you ^^

(so who wasn't paying attention jd?:P)
