Wed, 24 Mar 2010, 2:11pm GETTING GS ON LV 180 xD »
Registered: Apr, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 15 Mar 2013
Posts: 1521

you set up a debuff fire (a fire who bursts without a weight) like this
1st round - Mess
2nd round - Poison
3rd round - Fiery attack pet
4th round (1st priority) - slowdown

I personally use:
1st round - Mess
2nd round - Poison
3rd round - Slowdown
4th round (1st priority) - Mess

but you can play around to do what you think is best for you.

In terms of spd for your team they need to go in this order (from highest spd [moving first] to lowest spd [moving last])
2)debuff fires(fires without weights)
3)attackers(fires that use weights and attack with the cows/horses)

your debuff fire will not attack while bursting. That is why they do not need weights. But I recommend you use a higher lvl water to burst the debuff fires so your water can have more spd. Or equip a lower lvl water in spd gears becase if the water doesn't go first you will not get as much exp.

Also...You will need high lvl damagers that can hit for a lot. Normal burst teams have 1 water and 3 damage dealing fires. You are changing the team to 1 water 1 debuff fire and 2 damage dealers so exp will be reduced for the whole because you are not causeing the same damage as a team with 1 water and 3 damage dealers. But the debuff fire will get the same exp as the water does during those rounds. It is very easy to lvl up a fire this way. Hope this helps ^^
