Tue, 16 Feb 2010, 5:59pm Forum Suggestions »
Registered: Apr, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 15 Mar 2013
Posts: 1521

I was going to start a topic about it but I guess we could work on the guidelines here. Somet things I wrote down were

1. Do NOT spam topics punishment: All spam posts will be deleted

2. Do NOT use foul language in the forums. punishment: Post will be edited to remove foul language and a warning sent by PM to remind the member that foul language is not permited in the forum. If the member continues to use foul language the posts will be deleted and in extreme cases the account banned.

3. Do NOT revive dead topics. punishment: Unless the post is a relevant question the members post will be deleted.

that's just some things I thought about before I went to lunch and I had them written out. They seem to match with yours pretty well. But I think we need some guidelines along with some punishments that way the members know what will happen if they do certain things and also we, as admins, can give out the same punishments. It wouldn't be right or fair if someone did something and I just delete their post while someone else does the same thing and you ban them or something. It will just keep the admins on the same page which i think will be helpfull since there are 6 of us (it is 6 right?)

I'll have to spend some time thinking about other rules and punishments and such. so I'll have to post again later. -.-

If you need any help moving the topics and stuff just ask. You don't have to take everything on yourself. I was going to go through at some point and look at some of the people that I know spam topics constantly and I was going to delete the spam posts. what do you think? If you need any help moving the topics just give me a place to start and I'll help out ^_^

I really wish we had a hidden forum for the admins. Or really just a hidden post that only admins can see and post in. I think it would really help so we can communicate with each other instead of send out 5 emails. But we can discuss site development or creating the rules or just give a general update on things to other admins so we can stay updated and on the same page with each other -.-

Last edited Tue, 16 Feb 2010, 7:03pm by Sarin
