Thu, 04 Feb 2010, 10:09pm hi can some 1 help me get a monster??? »
Registered: Apr, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 15 Mar 2013
Posts: 1521

I must have interpreted what you said incorrectly then. You said your friend wanted a Ginseng monster and you are only lvl 51. Your friend doesn't care what monster she gets but she wants the pink ginseng monster. From all of that I assumed you were talking about the Ginseng monsters found in Korea and she wanted the fire ginseng monster that is pink/red in color. I only assumed that because you were giving us your lvl and if you were trying to get a 7 color egg it doesn't matter what lvl you are. If you are looking for the actual Pink Ginseng Monster that is available from the 7 color egg then you will have to get it from the Item Mall. In your first post you said you would try to pay for it but you were broke from getting married, I'm just assuming you are talking about in the game. In your second post you said you want help getting the 7 color egg and not pay for it. So I can only assume you want someone to get a 7 color egg using their own money and to try to get a Pink Ginseng monster and give it to you for free? That is never going to happen. Now I would say try going to Libra 1 branch instead of Libra 3. The 1st branch of every server is known by most to be the branch where the sellers go. The 2nd branch and all the others are mostly for those who want a quiet game atmosphere since the 1st branches are normally busy and most of those players go AFK. So try going to Libra 1 to see if someone will sell a 7 color egg to you as it is highly unlikely that they will help you get one, assuming when you say 'help' you mean you want it for free.

Sorry if I misread your first post. From the way you explained things I just assumed certain things. I hope I cleared things up a little bit.
