Tue, 26 Jan 2010, 6:48pm Forum Suggestions »
Registered: Apr, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 15 Mar 2013
Posts: 1521

I do agree with you on most of that. Yes, most of the people that disregard forum rules are children (or adults without much maturity) But I don't really like the idea of forcing people to do things. Right when we start giving people rule after rule to follow the more topics we will see from old users talking about how strict the site has become and some might stop using the site for that reason (seems childish but it's most likely trust) I think the users on the site could do better to show more respect towards the forum. So much time and effort is put in by everyone to make the database as complete as it is and the forums are full of answers for anyone to look at. But I can't agree with suppressing the users. I don't believe in many people to actually act mature on the internet and I don't expect many of them to learn and act accordingly. If we suppress everyone we will have more complaints and some might leave the site. If we try education or good examples then I know the only people that will follow the guidelines will be those who never did anything wrong to begin with. While those who the guidelines are for will continue to ignore them.
Maybe we need to put official forum guidelines and have them posted at the top of the forum pages at all times. And when you create an account you have to agree to the forum rules. If you disregard the forum rules then you will get a warning. Continued disregard of the rules and your posts may be deleted, your account locked for periods of time from posting on the forums, you signature disabled and in worst case scenarios the account deleted. If we do something like that it still gives people the right to post whatever they want, have signatures however they want. But the admins can still punish those who disregard the rules. But we would need more admins (only admins I know of are Zero, Scott and SeaWolf) and more applications on the site that allows admins to do these things. I think something like this isn't really supression as it still allows people to post however they want to and do whatever they like. But then they know that if they do things that violate the forum rules they face these types of consequences.

(I hope I made sense. I typing this at work and I keep getting distracted by things XD)
