Sat, 16 Jan 2010, 1:49am How do I add were to find an Item »
Registered: Apr, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 15 Mar 2013
Posts: 1521

If the items are not in the database you can go to the items page and add the item to the database and while adding the item if will ask for a shop location you put in Rome and then type in how much it is in the shop. This function should be available for all users.
Unlike adding items, monsters can only be created by certain users. Look in your notebook that you got at the begining of the game when you got your tent and take a screen shot of the monsters you fought in Rome. Edit the picture so you just have a picture of the monster and the info (we don't need a picture of your whole screen. If you want to see a pic of what I mean edit the monster photos to look like the ones in this topic Once you've done that upload the monsters photos and you can post them in this topic. I'll make sure to add the monster info when you post. Also add a note with the pictures where the monsters are located (North Island, Rome, Osyla, etc.) so we know. I know I can assume you would be posting monster info for monsters in Rome since that is what you are talking about in your post but always good to give us extra information instead of assume we know where you are talking about.

I think I covered everything. Any questions?
