Tue, 01 Dec 2009, 3:31pm [Guide] - Noobie's guide to get rich / gold / money and stay that way :D »
Registered: Apr, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 15 Mar 2013
Posts: 1521

CrimsonV wrote:

i made this guide for noobs until they reach lv30
this is pretty enough for those lv equips..
you earn 10k a day...

its just so that they can start out their buisness ^.^
thx for the advice though :m

my bad. sorry. XD Well if they happen to manufacture a kitchen range and want to open a little store they can auto in kelan forest for wood and in the chicken farm for rice and they can make Rice Wine (sp+150) and White Rice (hp+100). it's pretty easy to make and easy materials to get and it might sell pretty decent. Not sure if it would sell faster than ores and stuff. But it's just a thought :)
