Fri, 13 Nov 2009, 2:33pm When to use pet scrolls »
Registered: Apr, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 15 Mar 2013
Posts: 1521

ok guys chill out. I started this post to figure out when I should scroll my pets not insult each others intellegence. dorkfish you were a little harsh to LordDaemon. But LordDaemon that doesn't mean you have to be harsh in your criticism of dorkfish. Now I understand what you are both saying. In my original post I said 'Does using pet scrolls on your pet at certain lvls change the stats of a pet?' I gave the example of scrolling a pet at lvl 50 (low lvl) and lvl 120 (high lvl). Dorkfish stated that

dorkfish wrote:

Letheing pets at a certain level is just a common thing people do to use less scrolls at a higher level
What he is saying is letheing pets at certain lvls (I chose lvl 50 but it's your choice on when you do) will affect the pet at higher lvls (lvl 80, 100, 128, 169, 184). If I choose to lethe my pet to spd at lvl 50 my pet will sort of add preference to spd and so at high lvls I will have a little more points on spd then on str, wis, int, con and so I will not have to spend as many pet lethe scrolls on him as I would if I waited till he was lvl 120 and his stats were more spread out.

LordDaemon you stated that

LordDaemon wrote:

I only have a theory about this. Scrolling a pet at a lower level, to get one stat higher then another, might set up the pet to choose that stat as a preferred stat to add points to.
So you are saying your theory is scrolling pets at low lvls (around lvl 30 or 40 I guess) might put a preference to a specific stat. So if you scrolled your pet to spd at low lvls then at high lvls the pet would have more spd than con,wis,str,int.

So you are both saying the same thing just different wording. LordDaemon you are saying it's a theory you have and you want people to post pics to see if it's true. dorkfish is giving it as a fact and he also answered my question

dorkfish wrote:

but no matter when you start letheing both will be equal stats points if full washed and you have them both matching point base of what you scroll them to (agi, con, etc).
I was giving an example of having 2 leopards and letheing them different ways. My point was would the leopard lethed at a lower lvl have more spd than the leopard that was lethed at a higher lvl. dorkfish is saying no their spds will be the same no matter when you lethe them. the only difference would be I would use less pet lethe scrolls if I lethed my pet to pure spd at a lower lvl then if I waited till higher lvls to lethe my pet and his stats were more spread out.

Please stop insulting each others intellegence. That's not what these forums are for. We are here to help each other have a fun gaming experience playing wl. We are not here to discuss who is a genius and who isn't so if you can't have a nice post about something then best to not post anything at all.

But thanks for all your help guys!!! :) I'm going to try to get a leopard this weekend :D

Last edited Thu, 25 Feb 2010, 3:31am by Sarin
