Wed, 13 May 2009, 5:52pm Level Class and Stats »
Registered: Jan, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 29 Jul 2011
Posts: 224

Toshiro1994 wrote:

k thanx
it was hard to decide though
cuz if u have speed u can freeze/heal ur team faster
but then if u have more con and wis ull kast longer

You won't actually last longer since you'd have more HP shaven off more often If you have 1200 HP but get the first hit in, and have 300 HP taken off, and your down to 300 HP you can take a pork bone noodle and replenish. But if you have 1500 HP and get hit for 250 HP a turn and go second you'll get snipped off the last turn. Or if we are to think in terms of mobs the 1200 will kill someone the first turn with high STR and AGI, but the low AGI 1500 will get alot of HP shaven off the first turn, even if they kill someone the remaining mobs will just eat at the low AGI character before they havea chance to heal. If your fast enough and you fight mobs of 4 than you'll essentially just fight mobs of 3 since the 4th will never have a chance to get a hit in.
