Tue, 24 Feb 2009, 3:39am Level Class and Stats »
Registered: Feb, 2009
Last visit: Wed, 11 Jul 2012
Posts: 17

uzata wrote:

very funny everybody is scared of et s bats with matk and everything else with matk so why does everybody only train con and int or str???

i have 70 con and 70 wis i train them both a point each lvl my mdef is +300 i never have any problems with matk beasts

think about that

adding con is better because it also adds more HP. more HP compensates the dmg you taken for your low wis (mdef). and at high lv I think you don't really need heal anymore it's all about revival (or pizza, hmm yummy). get as many HP as you can and survive longer to deal more dmg to the bosses. once you're dead your water partner will revive you fully at once.

adding agi is also a waste if you're not a Wind or not into PVP.
high level quest bosses have thousands of SPD that makes your some 100 agi (+200 SPD) completely useless.

so for people that aims for battling high level quest bosses, I suggest not adding a single agi (unless for skill requirement). for lv.1 - 100 you can easily outrun normal mobs only wearing full SPD eq such as jade helmet, white gloves, concealment clothes, and long knight boots all with Red Diamonds.

that's my opinion though ^O^

Last edited Tue, 24 Feb 2009, 3:44am by angelmei
