Mon, 23 Feb 2009, 9:14am WHAT IS GOING ON?:( READ THIS PLEASE..... »
Registered: Dec, 2008
Last visit: Sun, 21 Jul 2013
Posts: 215

Actually, I think there is a simple explanation.

Your connection to the WL server is poor. Try this: when you see a black dot, wait several seconds till you give up. If the connection is there but not that bad, it should turn e.g. yellow in a few seconds. Then you can proceed.

Otherwise, it does happen that the WL server is "down" to you and you can only try again at a later time.

I have experienced what you did several times and it is nothing to do with clients or their versions.

i tried ur suggestion.(FEODRE). i waited 10 mins XD still not working:( ^T TT

i guese i just have to go sleep waaaaa1!!!! poor me
