Sat, 21 Feb 2009, 12:10pm "Online Games" »
Registered: Dec, 2008
Last visit: Wed, 17 Jun 2009
Posts: 98

Conquer Online
i left a piece of my life there
somewhat knows alot~ lvl 110+

GREAT ! but not the lag...sux
not so many, stopped at lvl 30

Dream of Mirror Online (DOMO)
a bit similar to Flyff but less lag
same thing...stopped at lvl 30 coz its not that great

Gunz online
well its FUN !
dont remember what lvl i stopped, but it was quite average

Pirate king online
its quite good actually, i wonder why did i stop @_@
still nub

Silkroad online
good game if it wasnt for the lag n bots
40+ (tho the last 10 levels i become a botter myself coz..its no use leveling with bots at every corner)

well those are few that i can remember for now XD i know there are few others but cant think of them atm @_@
