Sat, 21 Feb 2009, 7:30am bows - wood/grass or just wood? »
Registered: Jan, 2009
Last visit: Thu, 17 Dec 2009
Posts: 87

I get ALOT of crappy bows. I mean like a Short Bow for half of my attempts to shoot for meniscus. My primary is up to 11 now, but it has always been that wood + grass = bow. Not always up, but always a bow (80% of the time). I usually get other wood products when compounding wood + other. I did record one notable incident where I picked up a Hunter's Bow without grass (rank 5) but I digress. Most of my Wood + nonGrass = Bow has been Short Bow (rank 2) and we have already attributed that this item is a very easy default product when compounding either wood + other OR wood + grass.
