Sat, 21 Feb 2009, 7:24am bows - wood/grass or just wood? »
Registered: Sep, 2008
Last visit: Sun, 25 Nov 2012
Posts: 334

I agree. Imagine this: if high rank bows can be compounded from wood + wood, curse(d) crossbow should be able to be compounded from propeller + propeller, which means you can compound twice with every piece of Oak you get! Then, curse(d) crossbow should not cost like 20k... or so expensive.

The best bow I ever compounded myself is a meniscus bow, propeller + fire boots.

And Redman, is it really at least 80% of the time a bow comes out? because for me, primary alchemy 7, it seems bows come out less often than that, and a good bow comes out even less! (That's why I have so many crappy bows, and I sell them for 15G each.)

hi hi
