Fri, 25 Jul 2014, 2:37pm Training a rb solo? o.O »
Registered: Sep, 2013
Last visit: Sun, 09 Feb 2020
Posts: 162

well you can start with the hanging gardens in the Trees they don't poke that much then try to turtle island free foods to get then eventually to pangos :) I am not gonna give levels since I've never trained in anywhere there except Pangos but have read some guides (I train a lil while in Gardens when I still don't have an rb fire but shift to Pangos) :)

ii would recommend to stay in either trees and/or turtle to collect food if you're not to use another water than the pet you chose (if only angie or kana) but as long as you have water character with reasonably high hp you can go to Pango and train yourself first WITHOUT pet just or just go with turtle/trees but good to have another water too so your pet will poke as much as you do (if/and/or its angie or kana)

also do wait for more suggestions from more experience player ive played 5 years but ive stick to my normal routine in training so we should wait for other experience players :) and also look out for guides in here and in forum you'll be surprise on how many guides there is to see and you get the choice and what its like

Last edited Fri, 25 Jul 2014, 2:42pm by DopelSona

