Fri, 25 Jul 2014, 2:25pm Training a rb solo? o.O »
Registered: Sep, 2013
Last visit: Sun, 09 Feb 2020
Posts: 162

totally up to you XD i only suggest kanako since i think she'll be great :) but do take Neon's suggestion :) because I only have trained normal pets with my main team = whole support on her just poking whilst my water heals her so yea :) Angela is good too but she doesn't have rb yet so I am going to stick to Kana so your char will have support on doing quest in time in the future but well built Angela will surely be amazing :D

1. Choose a pet reasonable for you. Any pet you'd like not what we suggest but what you want or will help you (we suggest Kana/Angie but really up to you)
2. Train the pet of your choice whether it's norm/burst
3. (opt) if you choose a normal pet check some guide (wlodb has all of it or the forum) on how to train and survive with your chosen pet
4. Enjoy and be patient in leveling they do take awhile but they will pay back in the future :)

