Thu, 24 Jul 2014, 2:42am Remaking my Team »
Registered: Feb, 2012
Last visit: Sun, 06 Jun 2021
Posts: 246

If those of you have seen, I have posted many topics on the characters and new teammates that I want for my team. I only finally figured out the basics of making a good and effective team. So with that in mind and the double exp event going on for 3 weeks, I take it that this is the perfect opportunity to remake most of my team. The most important currently is my Wind Knight which I am swapping out for an Earth Wit. I'm currently leveling her and she will be 180 by this friday I believe.
Another 2 that I am considering is replacing my fire wit and my water wit. My water wit is family however (it was also my first ever RB), so I won't really make a new water unless I need to. His cape is a +10 and he's got too many points in useless stats at the moment.
Here's the stats Water Wit Lv 83 (BTW the potential is 1 and has no eqs on)
ATK: 258 STR: 1
DEF: 738 CON: 193
MAT: 787 INT: 225
MDF: 542 WIS: 80
SPD: 401 AGI: 60

I don't have the money get forgotten scrolls or lethe scrolls to fix his stats. I don't truly know if this is a good build but I would like to hear some suggestions from others.

My Fire Wit LV 76: (This is with eqs on)
ATK: 352 STR: 0
DEF: 573 CON: 130
MAT: 1091 INT: 298
MDF: 517 WIS: 75
SPD: 360 AGI: 30
