Thu, 10 Jul 2014, 5:26pm Would this be OK? -GS Teams »
Registered: Jun, 2010
Last visit: Thu, 04 Sep 2014
Posts: 1583

Team is fine. Nothing wrong with it, not sure why I always thought you were higher. Is the Water just lvl 80?

Overall, make sure you have more than 1k-1.2k HP (less you die the better)
If possible try to get some spd or def gear. sometimes best to minus spd for defence if your defence is low. (its about survival, if you are able to out speed the mob then that's good. Its useless if you are a crystal cannon and die the next round.(someone who is all power and no defence)

Water, make sure your it has Revive if not carry some feathers. I've met a lotta water who feels there is no need to have revive or who doesn't know about it *sigh*. Aniways just seal. also If possible try to use magic shield on quester on Dracula fight. (not always needed but it helps to minimize spawning if their HP is under 500.)

Earth, have it be a second support first before a damager. Have it use Shield when needed, and help the water to seal. less mobs you have awake to do damage on you the better. use earth to also replenish the fires SP or teams HP. as well as have some feathers as back up just in case. ONLY when there is nothing to do (no seal or heal) then and ONLY then use the earth to help attack.

Fire just attack do nothing else but hot fire and attack.

When you are higher lvl all this is pretty much tossed out the window because you will be strong enough to out spd and also do higher damage to mobs to kill them faster. but when you are a low lvl its about surviving to fighting another day.

Good luck.

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