Sun, 18 May 2014, 8:29am [Guide] Level Planner »
Registered: Jun, 2010
Last visit: Thu, 04 Sep 2014
Posts: 1583

... The assister is the person or pet that uses assist skill =.= doesn't matter what element you are.

Fastest person/pet uses skill. everyone else attacks.
You yourself asked me about lvling Vicky's skill so I assume you were talking about her.

Although I think it may just be faster to just burst her. It's easier if it was a pet like Shasha or Qlaya with a "debuff assist". Vicky is a pet that uses "buff assist", so it may just be easier to burst her. You can still use the skill but the exp will just be about the same or not as high.

The list of DEBUFF skills that has a noticeable result for assist training are;
Water; freeze, sleep
wind; shield smash, cord, coma
earth; treebine, terra
fire; slow, mess (I would say poison... but not as much)

BUFFs that can get you exp but low;
everyone; soul dodge
wind; vanish
fire; fiery, fire attack
earth; shield, stone wall (if a mob attacks it, you gain exp so it's not 100%)
water; recovery, cure, magic recovery, magic shield (if its attacked), recover normal is the same as the shield 'cept if there is an ailment to cure)

all those skills will get you exp. (I also never mentioned GS is because these are also skills that some pets have as well). Buff is hardly noticeable you are more likely to get 10-200 exp using a buff skill where as you will get 1k-5k using a debuff.

also team ATTACK affects how much you get. more damage done the more exp you will get. That is how bursting also works. more damage dealt more exp gained. that's why you use debuff skills to lower the enemies defence, or why fires use firey. fire attack or hotfire to enhance their skill so they can cause more damage.

Edit; sorry fixed spell errors.

Last edited Sun, 18 May 2014, 8:39am by Kojika

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