Wed, 14 May 2014, 2:58am What do i need? :-) »
Registered: Jun, 2010
Last visit: Thu, 04 Sep 2014
Posts: 1583

-Bursting stops at 180 non rebirth, also cannot gain exp from burst after rebirth ('cept maybe 200)

-Catching pets is only +5 level difference, +10 with a net.

-Don't hail eat cookies and pie.
There was a "how to choose the right pet" guide that Vamp and Dave made.. but I've been unable to find it. I think that's more helpful when knowing how to choose a pet.

Guns break after a certain amount of usage. each gun has a certain amount of ammo... hmm I should make a gun guide one day for specific ammo usage (I will have to be SUPER BORED to want to stare at a screen all day counting shots).
Mud statues breaks after 30 minutes or 30 physical hits. (last longer about 2-3 hours If you use a magic skill or and about 4-6 hours with an assist skill. (may be random but that's what I've noticed)

-Rank 1 items do not break; cape, tight waistband (+20 SPD), newbie starter clothes, etc.

-Cannot use Soul dodge with bow/gun. So will be hard to replenish SP if you are going to use assist skills (cool fact; fire mage can use their fire stone attack with a bow on, animal pets can also use their attack skills with a bow/gun on as well.) cannot use hotfire or attack enhanced skills with a bow/gun. it will not have any extra damage effect.

See more on Know Your Meme

[Guide] Level Planner for Player and Pet Training -
[Guide] Ultimate Pet Page -
