Tue, 18 Mar 2014, 8:31pm are you allowed to have multiple accounts? »
Registered: Jun, 2010
Last visit: Thu, 04 Sep 2014
Posts: 1583

@Dark; lol no we don't all use the same computer. we each have our own laptop and desktops. we all have jobs. I have my own desk top but when my mum got a new laptop she game me her old one... but I kindda sortta broke it.. *sigh* so now I'm back tyo justr using my laptop again *pout*.

@Alchemy; I know there is a limit. I always wondered how much... lol oh well.

The most I can run on my desktop without lag is about 10 windows. Probably more but 10 is the most I've ever opened. Since I only have 2 teams I run 8. I log in from Friday to Monday, then Tuesday to Thursday i leave my computer off to rest. this game can kill your computer if its running 24/7 my laptop learnt that the hard way.

ALso with people using bots now-a-days I find it hard to believe that anyone really run more than 10 windows without it. I know this guy in my server who has like 6 PCs running his characters and his gf's chara and even ones he buys from people he has like 3 guilds full of characters (at least that's what he says. but some of us clearly knows he uses a bot. although he says he has more than 6 computers).. i mean who really needs THAT much characters??? More than half of them are also VIPs and a quarter of then are VIP 3s... not sure if I should be jealous or laugh at the fact that someone can waste so much money on a game.

http://wlodb.com/files/fonni_sig.jpg http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/273/861/b12.gif
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