Sat, 30 Nov 2013, 5:14am please keep wlodb open :( »
Registered: Sep, 2008
Last visit: Thu, 06 Oct 2022
Posts: 706

The problem isn't the size of the database. Here is what the database looks like:

Here's a bigger picture:

You can see it's only 150MB and the compounds only take up about 6MB. It looks like there were some bots or something hammering the site creating accounts non stop which was making it pretty much unusable. The server started swapping a lot of memory and my hosting site kept shutting down my virtual machine until I fixed it.

Unfortunately, wlodb doesn't make much money and I've only had one donation in the past 4 years. I usually end up paying a bit out of pocket every month to keep it up and running even though I haven't played in over 4 years.

I did make some improvements last night. I blacklisted a bunch of the ip's that were creating tons of user accounts. I also fixed the create manufacturing page. I removed the compound and recycle listings from the items pages for now to speed it up a little bit. Since it didn't split those up into pages, someone clicking on common stone would pull up about 1000 compounds which really lagged the site.

Here are the main reasons why the site is slow:

-There is no page caching, every page requires a databse query. This was originally done so the new compounds and items would show up right away. I tried to do some caching a while back, but I'm had a hard time getting it to work.
-The server is slow. It has a quad core AMD processor with only 1GB of memory. It usually sites at about 800-900MB in use and when it goes over and starts swapping, the site doesn't work very well. I have been monitoring the site the past 24 hours and the fixed I made seemed to at least stopped it from swapping so it hopefully won't get shutdown again.
-The bots creating endless user accounts. I think I'm going to at least put a question on the user account page that hopefully the bot won't be smart enough to figure out. Since this is a custom forum and not something like phpbb it might not be smart enough. Once I get this is place I'll open up the user creation again. I do think it will be good to clean up all the useless accounts, but I don't think it will speed up the site at all. Since the DB is so small, it's not the size of the database tables slowing it down, but the amount of databases queries that take place.
