Mon, 07 Oct 2013, 2:04pm what wrong with "rock" character stat? »
Registered: May, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 12 Dec 2014
Posts: 71

whatever character you choose, it will not really affect your build in the long run.

the concern here is the element and stats.
earth element compared to fire, water and wind gets more
points on DEF and MDEF per level thats why your char's mdef
is higher

compare the earth to fire, fires will always get more atk/matk
compare the earth to wind, winds will always get more spd per level

also the value gained per points allocated to a stat varies.
that means that there may be more points added to def/mdef than str/int/agi

this is also true for atk vs matk
a fire melee with 0 int vs a fire magician with 0 str
the matk for melee is still lower than the magician's atk
