Mon, 23 Sep 2013, 1:53pm how to train a 180rb killer »
Registered: Oct, 2010
Last visit: Tue, 13 Sep 2016
Posts: 58

Vampire wrote:

Do not stop buffing(de-buffing? whatever....) cause you'll lose exp in the long run that could end up pushing you over to another level...

But instances and events are VERY important.

thanks, yes atm i am still at relic since still getting some exp and doing all instances and events.

190RB(Fire Killer) w/Fred -178RB
190RB(Water Wit) w/Fred-177RB
190RB(Fire Wit) w/Niss-170RB
183RB(Fire Killer)w/Fred-158RB
183RB(Earth Priest)w/Qlaya-145RB
