Wed, 17 Jul 2013, 9:05am Annoys me when... »
Registered: Dec, 2009
Last visit: Mon, 22 Nov 2021
Posts: 39

These are mine.Most of them are the same as everyone so I don't know if you will find something new xD:
I find annoying:
-people who whisper me/give me a friend request to ask me for gold,eq even house items if they see my tent.And usually when I give them something they start asking for more.
-somenoe to pk me when I'm afk through this rarely happens to me now because I check it to have it closed;
-I hope this won't offend anyone but I hate random boys whispering me asking if I have bf/want to marry -.-.Example of a conversation:
Random player:Hi
Random player:How are you?
Me:I'm fine....
Random player:How old are you?
Me:I'm X
Random player:You have bf?
Random player:Can I be your bf?
YES of course I would love to have as my bf a stranger that I just met >.>.Ok now NO.I mean seriously it's like walking on a street and a random boy asks you out of the blue to be his bf/marry him.I know this is just a game but I don't know this is my own opinion and again I hope this won't get anyone upset >.>.
-Spammers/Hackers/Scammers etc.
-Snowballs/Water balls?I don't think they are really annoying especially if you have fun with a friend.If I don't want to get hit by one I ride a pet.
