Sat, 08 Jun 2013, 9:19pm Would someone help me burst? »
Registered: Aug, 2009
Last visit: Mon, 26 Aug 2013
Posts: 8

depending on your hp is where you go and if you are going to go afk for long time or not
first make sure you have lots of sp food for all your char
like it was mentioned already make sure they have 0 spd thats because is easier to combo w/0spd although you can still combo up to 30 and sometimes more
bursting with wind element things would be best if you go afk and you just want to stay in one spot because fires do more dmg on winds
you can go to wind cyruss in south island, wind chicken lol, wind jelly, and there is a spot with two wind sheep in south island and theres also wind beatles but I forgot where exactly..somewhere in south island
if you burst with wind cyruss you can burst till cows are like lvl 20-30 and still get good exp so if you get two cow/sheep then it shouldnt be that hard and personally I think you should isolate your burst focus on your fires and put either leave your water and wind alone till your close to finishing your fires or put your water to burst with high fires sometimes they are looking for water and ppl in general dont tend to discriminate against waters ..if they do is because they are ignorant or plain stupid because water lvl doesnt really matter..but once your fires are like lvl 140~ish you can burst with you water and wind and it would go by a lot faster than if you burst them all at same time or lvl your water and your fires and then when your done get cuss and cuss burst with your wind or normal burst get another fire and burst as usual but instead of water use your wind..or just pay someone to lvl some of your char or all of them seems thats what most new ppl do now
