Sat, 25 May 2013, 2:54am My Quest Selling Service »
Registered: May, 2013
Last visit: Wed, 05 Jun 2013
Posts: 7

I'm afraid you are not countering the services of the so called high class characters as you don't offer the full quests of which they are selling. What you are offering is a limited service of which you are able to do the easier quests, which is fine but don't make out your services to be something they are not. The boasts of your killer being "perhaps" one of the strongest of his level are just that boasts as you don't have the information of all other characters on your server to make this factual. Please don't tell be about the strongest of all servers list because this list is a sham and does not detail every character in all servers just the characters of some players so without all the information who really knows who is in what place on the list. Also please don't claim to be faster then so called professional sellers as you don't have the times to show people. If you were a real business you would be liable for false advertisement with all your claims. But you are not and this is just a game and I am just someone who would like to express his opinion. Also when you say you have nothing more to say finish with this sentence don't begin with it. This is all I have to say.
